100 fire extinguishers distributed to Kampung Pisang residents

whatsapp image 2024 09 06 at 11.39.32 am 黄顺祥(左5)、林峻禈(左4)及各单位代表,在移交灭火器仪式上合影。

A TOTAL of 100 fire extinguishers were distributed to the Kampung Pisang residents in Air Itam today, courtesy of the Lions Club of Tanjung. A brief presentation ceremony was held at the village to mark the occasion.


Lions Club of Tanjung president Datuk Lim Chun Khon emphasised the importance of such initiatives in preparing residents for potential fire emergencies.


“A demonstration on how to use the fire extinguisher also was carried out by firemen today.


“It is crucial not only to have a fire extinguisher at home but also to know how to use it.


“Being equipped with this knowledge can help save lives and property. This is our main objective for the programme today,” he said.


Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng Soon Siang, who was also present, praised the Lions Club of Tanjung for their efforts, highlighting the extra precaution this initiative brings to the community during fire incidents.


He said knowledge is key for the public to act as ‘first responders’ during a fire emergency.


“Besides that, the concept of ‘one home, one fire extinguisher’ is an excellent practice that should be adopted widely,” Ng said.


He also mentioned plans to instal more fire hydrants in the village to further enhance emergency preparedness.

Story and pix by Riadz Akmal