A green effort by MBPP


SOME 550 saplings with six different species of shade trees were planted in the neighbourhood of Taman Green Lane on Sept 30.

This is an effort put forth by the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) which aims to plant saplings of shade trees all over the Batu Lancang constituency.

The saplings were contributed by Penang Island City Council (MBPP) councilors Harvinder Singh, Gerald Mak Mun Keong, Theng Jie Wey and Shung Yin Ni.

Till date, the council has planted 60 saplings of shade trees in the neighbourhood of Batu Lancang in its initiative to preserve green space in Penang.

The types of species planted at Taman Green Lane were Fagrea fragrans (pokok tembusu), Kopsia arborea (kopsia white), Lagerstroemia speciosa (bogor speciosa), Lagerstroemia floribunda (bogor floribunda), Xanthaostemon chrysanthus (golden panda) and Mesua ferrea (pokok penaga lilin).

MBPP mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang, Batu Lancang assemblyman Ong Ah Teong and council members took part in the saplings planting ceremony to send the message on the importance of creating more green spaces in the state.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Chan Kok Kuan