Accelerating Penang2030 vision


THE Penang government has officially launched its Penang2030 vision: Five-Year Achievement Booklet today.


Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said the booklet serves to inform the public and all interested parties about the current progress of the Penang2030 vision – A Family-Focused Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation.


“It is also to ensure that the state government is on the right track to bring Penang to greater heights.


“I launched the Penang2030 vision in 2018, and today I am proud to announce that we have achieved 47% of the Penang2030 vision’s strategic initiatives, thanks to our dedication and joint commitment.


“A total of 210 projects and programmes have been carried out or are in the process of being implemented.


“They are related to housing initiatives, digital transformation, climate change resilience, economy, technology, digitalisation, family, youth empowerment and gender equality,” Chow said in his speech when launching the booklet at The TOP Komtar today.


Chow extended his gratitude to all state executive councillors, state agencies and state public servants for their contributions to making all the above achievements possible.


Also present were State Secretary Datuk Mohd Sayuthi Bakar, Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman and Deputy Chief Minister II Prof Dr P. Ramasamy.


Chow welcomed the public to visit the Penang2030 website at for more details.


Information about ongoing projects and the various master plans aligned with Penang2030 can be found on the Penang2030 website.


The public can also check out the Penang2030 Dashboard System.


“The special dashboard is an important system to ensure that the state government is always governed with a clear direction to safeguard the well-being of its people by focusing on the sustainable development agenda.


“It is also a transparent public governance tool which can foster public participation. This is because the dashboard clearly shows the measurable achievements of the state government.


“As such, the public can express their views and offer constructive criticism for the benefit of all,” he said.


Chow said the state government would continue its efforts and commitment to realising the Penang2030 vision in the remaining seven years.


He said he was very confident that the current leadership of the state government is capable of doing it as this has been proven in the previous challenges of how it overcame the Covid-19 pandemic as a result of the support of all parties.


Chow also stressed that for Penang2030 to be meaningful to everyone, it must have an impact on the people’s lives.


“Positive change must be visible to the people. The people must feel that they can participate and make a difference.


“There is much to do for Penang to achieve the high level of development envisioned in Penang2030.


“But if the whole of society comes together confidently to make Penang an even more wonderful place, the work will be gratifying, stimulating and fun.


“Penang can become a model state for sustainable development if it is more conscious about the fragility of its surroundings and about the impact of human activities on its environment.


“After all, our ultimate responsibility is to leave a better world to our children than the one we live in.


“Exciting years lie ahead for the state and for all of us who care for Penang. Many new initiatives are on the way, and by the time 2030 comes along, we will see a Penang that we can proudly leave to our children and grandchildren,” said Chow.

Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud
Video by Ahmad Adil Muhamad