Air Itam Dam water level dips


THE water level at Air Itam Dam has dropped to 49.1 percent today (March 27) from 50.1 percent on March 24.

According to the Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP) website update today, Teluk Bahang Dam and Mengkuang Dam recorded water levels of 71.0 percent and 47.5 percent respectively.

When contacted, PBA corporate communication unit’s Syarifah Nasywa Syed Feisal Barakbah said hopefully there would be more rainfall.

The Malaysian Meteorological Department has forecast thunderstorms in one or two places and a maximum temperature of 34℃ in Penang for the next three days (March 28, 29 and 30).

The department predicted rain to fall in several areas in the state tomorrow.

Story & pix by K.Thaarshenii