A TOTAL of 50 large-scale events will be organised during the whole year in Aceh province, Indonesia.
Almuniza Kamal, head of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Department, said these events will serve as an attraction to draw tourists from local and abroad to visit Aceh.

“As a start, we have already organised the Sabang Marine Festival in early March this year. The international maritime festival took place on Sabang Island, Aceh.

“We also have the upcoming Aceh Ramadhan Festival (on March 28 until April 1), the upcoming Aceh Perkusi (traditional musical event), and many more events planned to boost Aceh’s tourism.

“All of these events will be carried out meticulously and executed, scheduled during the school or public holidays in Malaysia and neighbouring countries to attract as many tourists as possible this year.
“Aceh boosts numerous unique eco-tourism destinations, with lush green forests, majestic mountains and picturesque coastline.
“It’s no wonder that many tourists choose to spend most of their time enjoying the natural beauty of Aceh,” Almuniza told a press conference during the media familiarisation trip to Aceh on March 1.
Several media practitioners in Penang and Kuala Lumpur, including travel agents, embarked on a special trip to Aceh from Feb 28 until March 3, exploring various attractions in the province.

The familiarisation trip was arranged by the Consulate General Republic of Indonesia in Penang (KJRI Penang).
Almuniza also shared that the majority of tourist arrivals in Aceh last year came from Malaysia, followed by Australia, France and Italy.

“It is not surprising we receive a significant number of tourists from Malaysia, considering the availability of direct flights to Banda Aceh, including from Penang.
“We are also seeking to increase the number of direct flights from Malaysia to Banda Aceh and Sabang Island through discussions with airlines such as Firefly and Citilink.
“Thus, with this initiative, we hope more tourists from Malaysia will visit Aceh this year, which will further strengthen our economic and cultural ties,” he said.
Almuniza also expressed hope for an increase in the number of tourist arrivals from India this year, following a recent Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony that facilitated cultural exchange between both countries.
With the tourism slogan, “The Light of Aceh”, Almuniza explained that the vast potential of Aceh, boasting 833 tourist spots and 1,003 cultural heritage sites, is waiting to be explored by tourists.

“Of course, with the warm hospitality of the Acehnese people, who are always ready to welcome every guest while upholding the principle of ‘Peumulia Jamee Adat Geutanyoe’ (honouring the guests is our culture), we are set to boost Aceh’s tourism,” he added.
He also mentioned that his department is currently focusing on the concept of a tourism village.
Almuniza explained that the establishment of a tourism village will strengthen socio-economic and cultural resilience to build a prosperous and independent society.
Almuniza concluded by saying, “Through all of these initiatives, we hope that tourists will not hesitate to include Aceh as a preferred destination for their holidays.”
During the five-day familiarisation trip to Aceh, media practitioners and travel agents were taken to many captivating locations in Aceh.

This included the capital city, Banda Aceh, renowned for its many tourist attractions steeped in rich history.
Visitors explored museums and monuments with significant historical value, such as Aceh Darussalam Sultanate Garden Complex, which includes Taman Sari to Gunongan, Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Bustanussalatin Park, Putroe Phang Park, Sultan Iskandar Muda Tomb and Aceh Rumoh Museum (Aceh National Museum).

The group also visited Sabang Island, famous for its marine tourism offerings.

As for culinary delights, Aceh has a wide range of delicious local food to offer, such as Ayam Tangkap (Acehnese fried chicken), Pisang Thok (mashed banana), Gulee Eungkot Paya (brackish fish), Ie Bu Peudah (special porridge), Keumamah (wooden fish), Timphan (special cake), Kuah Pliek (special vegetable sauce), Sate Matang (Aceh special satay), Mie Aceh (fried noodles), Kopi gayo (Aceh coffee), Nasi Gurih (rice cooked with traditional spices and coconut milk), Asam Udeung (traditional sauce made of boiled fresh shrimp) and many others.
For further information on various attractions in Aceh, please visit https://acehtourism.travel/
Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Riadz Akmal and courtesy of Aceh Culture & Tourism Office