THE Association of Tourism Attractions Penang (ATAP) is looking forward to working closely with the recently appointed state Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai.
ATAP chairman Datuk Ch’ng Huck Theng expressed the association’s congratulations and a warm welcome to Wong on his new role as the state executive councillor responsible for this vital portfolio.

“This moment marks a new beginning for Penang’s tourism chapter as we welcome YB Wong as the state Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman.
“YB Wong might be the new face in the tourism industry but he is definitely an experienced person, being a former Member of Parliament and a former state executive councillor under the leadership of the previous Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
“ATAP is committed to working very closely with the Penang government, especially with YB Wong’s office, to further promote the Penang tourism industry.
“We will also advocate and support YB Wong’s leadership in steering the industry into yet another milestone, making Penang the state to be envied by all other states in the country,” Ch’ng said in his speech during the meet and greet session with Wong at St Giles The Wembley Hotel in George Town yesterday (Aug 25).
The meet and greet session with YB Wong was organised by ATAP and participated by various tourism players and stakeholders.
Wong thanked ATAP for arranging the meet and greet session.

“ATAP, together with other tourism players and stakeholders, are the pillars of the tourism industry in the state.
“The state government alone cannot implement the whole thing, so we need the support from all of them.
“So, let us work together and continue to nurture the flourishing tourism industry in Penang,” he said.
Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi