Story by Danny Ooi
Pix by Law Suun Ting
RESIDENTS of Taman Free School Flats have been urged to be more civic minded by not blocking the walkways with their personal belongings and
disposing rubbish by throwing them down from their units. Penang Island City Council (MBPP) councillor Joseph Ng said the council, which
manages the flats, will not hesitate to take action by confiscating items which block the passageway and warned residents who throw rubbish from
their units. Blocking walkways could impede emergency personnel responding to a fire or other emergencies, he said, adding two notices
have been sent to those who left their belongings along the walkways in February and March this year.
He, however, lamented there were still those who maintained the irresponsible practices despite repeated warnings.
“We will take action very soon,”he told a press conference on April28 after showing media personnel examples of such acts at the public
housing scheme which was built in 1961 and comprises 13 blocks of 473 units and 10 shophouses.
Also present were MBPP’s director of Valuation & Property Management, Cheong Chee Hong, and councillor Grace Teoh.
On a related matter, Ng said MBPP has carried out various maintenance and upgrading works since 2014 to improve services and
facilities at the housing scheme. “Among the upgrading works is the improvements of lifts at blocks L, M and N, and replacement of
leaking roof structures,” he added.
He said MBPP has a plan to convert Block N to be rented outonly to the disabled and senior citizens.