Beauty care company unveils entrepreneurial opportunities

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THOSE who aspire to become successful entrepreneurs should pursue their goals with passion, honesty, perseverance and a focus to earn customer trust, says Batu Uban assemblyman A. Kumaresan.


Kumaresan highlighted numerous opportunities available for the community, particularly the Indian community, with the government offering various business incentives.


He emphasised that the Indian community should take full advantage of the resources at their disposal.


“For instance, programmes like the Tekun Nasional (National Entrepreneur Group Economic Fund) and Prosperity Empowerment and A New Normal for Indian Women (PENN) are among the many available options.


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“The most important thing is sustainability. Anyone can start up a business, but the real challenge lies in sustaining it,” Kumaresan said during the launch of ‘1001 Entrepreneurs’ at Sri Letchimi HQ in Sungai Pinang recently.


He cited Dr P. Sri Letchimi, the chairman of Golden Shine Beauty Care Products, as a prime example of a successful entrepreneur with 20 years of experience.


“Apart from achieving success, Sri Letchimi is also helping to raise more women entrepreneurs like herself, which is commendable,” Kumaresan said.

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Vincent, Sri Letchimi and Kumaresan posing with the business kiosk during the launching gimmick of ‘1001 Entrepreneurs’ programme


The ‘1001 Entrepreneurs’ initiative supports 1001 aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly single mothers and individuals from the B40 group, by providing them with business kiosks to sell Golden Shine Beauty Care Products.


At the event, the top 10 agents were also presented with recognition awards.


Kumaresan also expressed his hope that Golden Shine Beauty Care Products will continue to grow.


“Do not stop here. Keep expanding to other states and internationally. Perhaps, we can collaborate with PENN to help more women.


“We can also work together to launch this programme in the Batu Uban constituency,” Kumaresan added.


GSH Precision Technology Sdn Bhd group director J. Philip Vincent also praised Sri Letchimi’s dedication to thrive in the business.


He also mentioned that AI technology could be integrated to further develop the products, and Golden Shine Beauty Care Products could collaborate with USM’s research centre.


Among others present were Golden Shine Beauty Care Products chief executive officer Nathan, Sri Letchimi’s mother Santha Suppiah and Pertubuhan Dewan Perniagaan Vanigakkalam Malaysia (Penang branch) chairman Santha Kuppu.


Some of the pictures taken at the event :-

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Story & Pix by Tanushalini Moroter