Cashless transaction a resounding success in public markets, says Jagdeep


DIGITALISATION has long been the key engine in driving our country’s economy but it became more notable when we were hit by the Covid-19 pandemic last year.


State Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said Penangites in general have shown tremendous support for digitalisation initiatives.


Saying that the figures speak for themselves, Jagdeep said since the cashless initiative was first implemented in public markets in July 2020, a total of 1,507 traders from both the island and mainland have tapped into the e-payment method.


“A total of 301,648 transactions have been made thus far with RM5.9 million collected by all the traders.


“This is very encouraging as Penangites are continuously showing great support in the state’s effort to go cashless in order to avoid physical contact in public markets during this pandemic period.


“Our initial target was to hit 20,000 transactions by last December after launching it in July.


“But due to the positive response that we had received through a pilot project that was implemented at Taman Tun Sardon public market last year, the target was increased to 50,000.


“It was further good news by the end of last year as we managed to hit over 100,000-mark transactions.


“This would not have been possible without the people and of course, our traders at all the public markets for encouraging buyers to use the e-payment method,” Jagdeep said during a virtual press conference from Komtar today.


Separately, Jagdeep also said a total of 73 smart initiatives had been identified in the state.


“Thirty-three initiatives had been implemented, 26 are ongoing and the remaining 14 are currently in various planning stages.


“By the end of this year, we hope to reach 100 smart initiatives,” Jagdeep added.


As for Penang Smart Parking (PSP), one of the key projects among the 73 initiatives, Jagdeep said as of May 31 this year, 612,104 users have downloaded the application.


“The Penang Island City Council (MBPP) had collected over RM14.23 million and Seberang Perai City Council over RM5.32 million.


“That brings to a collective amount of RM19.6 million collected thus far,” Jagdeep added.


Story by Kevin Vimal
Pix by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi