WHAT do you do when you see a homeless, weak cat sitting outside your door? Many of us might say, “poor cat”, or not care at all and ignore it.
Furthermore, with Covid-19 pandemic still raging, some of us might be wary of strange and sick animals.
But, for some compassionate and kind-hearted individuals, just as staying healthy, clean and safe is important, it is equally important to ensure the well-being of animals is taken care of as well.
One such kind soul is American retiree Teviot Fairservis. An avid cat lover with a heart of gold, she has a humble philosophy that sheltering homeless cats with love and care gives life more meaning.

An hour away from the hustle and bustle of the busy Georgetown city, in a rural Malay fishing village of Teluk Bahang in Penang’s northwest corner, lies the hidden Cat Beach Sanctuary and this is where you can find Fairservis.
It was Fairservis who started the Cat Beach Sanctuary with the help of Nana Wan Chik, a local fisherman in 2014.
The non-governmental organisation (NGO) first started with only 80 cats onboard, but now they house some 300 over cats.

“The set-up of the shelter was inspired by Barbara Janssen, founder of the Penang Animal Welfare Society (4PAWS).
“Cat Beach Sanctuary is the last resort for many abused and abandoned cats, with many of them rescued from life or death situations.
“I have seen some really pathetic scenarios in the past, where cats suffer injuries in the most dreadful way possible, such as getting fireworks stuck up their butts which leave holes in that area.
“I mean, in what state of mind were these people when they chose to act in such a way that gave nothing but pain and suffering to the cats?” said an emotional Fairservis during an interview session with Buletin Mutiara.

She also said Cat Beach Sanctuary has come a long way since its existence in 2014, with a regular and steady contribution of daily supplies for the cats.
“I am deeply moved by the many wonderful people who step up to support the shelter through the contribution of food, cleaning supplies such as bleach, toilet roll, cat medications, grooming tools, toys and cat-themed items.
“Food is the most expensive and important cost. We, at the Cat Beach Sanctuary, sincerely hope that more Penangites can come forward and contribute food items for these beautiful cats.
“We currently have two amazing live-in volunteers, Amir and Shahjid, but we are always open to more volunteers to come in and keep this place running smoothly.

“For anyone at all, you are also welcome to stay at the beach and live with the cats as proper sterilisation, vaccination and other common medically required treatments are performed on the cats,” said Fairservis.
Fairservis also said that the shelter used to have a neighbouring Cat Beach Café, but it is no longer operating after it was wrecked by a storm in October 2018.
As much as the shelter is doing its best to house as many cats as possible, Fairservis emphasised that importance is given to sick cats that require treatment.

“We are grateful for the funds and donations from people, but at the same time, we also have cases where locals would just drop off their cats at the beach and drive off.
“Some would do it just so they could escape veterinary costs.
“Therefore, I would like to urge Penangites, especially cat owners, to take control and be responsible for their cats well-being,” Fairservis added.
Last but not least, if you’re stressed up at work or studies, and if you happen to be a cat lover, head to Cat Beach Sanctuary and enjoy the serene and beautiful view of the sea with the cats!
A promising and calm experience awaits you.
For more information, visit the Cat Beach Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/catbeachpenang/about/?ref=page_internal.
Story by Kevin Vimal
Pix by Nur Afiqah Zainudi