Celebrate Wesak Day the ‘new normal’ way

BUDDHISTS in Malaysia will be observing the Wesak Day on May 7. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they will not be able to celebrate the Wesak Day the usual way.

Religious activities including congregating at places of worship are still prohibited.

Penang Women and Family Development, Gender Inclusiveness and Religions Other Than Islam Committee chairman Chong Eng said the Registrar of Societies (RoS) has also banned all societies from holding any activities including annual general meetings until the end of June this year.

“Penangites must prepare to live according to the ‘new normal’ way.

“I urge religious organisations to prepare and adapt to the new way of life.

“I am happy to see some Buddhist organisations holding religious activities via online and conducting live chanting.

Chong Eng said that the battle against Covid-19 is an ‘ongoing marathon’ and not a sprint.

“Penang has been working hard to curb the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The state implemented three key strategies – control the pandemic, communicate with the public and contain the impact – to fight the coronavirus,” she said.

Chong Eng told the people to stay safe, stay healthy and cultivate a kind heart during this trying period.