Chow visits Bayan Baru Market to support Unity candidates

(From left) Chow, Fahmi and Dr Mohamad showing a pineapple each at a stall in the Bayan Baru Market during a walkabout. Pineapple is 'Ong Lai' in Hokkien and it can be translated as 'Luck is coming your way.' So, they hope this is a symbol of good luck as they go about in their state election campaign.

CARETAKER Chief  Minister Chow Kon Yeow has stepped up his pace in the election campaign by visiting Bayan Baru Market to extend his support to two Unity candidates – Fahmi Zainol (Pantai Jerejak) and Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid (Batu Maung) – during a walkabout today.


The visit to the Bayan Baru Market held particular significance, as it marked Chow’s first marketplace visit following nomination day yesterday. After successfully filing his nomination papers for the Padang Kota seat, Chow spent two hours alongside Teh Lai Heng (Komtar candidate) and Wong Yuee Harng (Padang Kota candidate) at a walkabout in Campbell Street yesterday.


Also at the Bayan Baru Market to lend support to both Fahmi and Dr Mohamad were Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin, Miri MP Chiew Choon Man and his 17 team members from Kuching and Miri, and a host of enthusiastic supporters.


Chow (centre), Sim (third from left), and Chiew (second from right) giving their support to Unity candidates – Fahmi (second from right) and Dr Mohamad (fifth from left) at the Bayan Baru Market walkabout.


“We’re taking this election seriously. The state-level and national-level leaderships want to assist all the Unity candidates in the 40 state seats to connect with the voters.


“If we can get their mandate on Aug 12, we, of course, have a lot more to achieve.


“We have accomplished 47% of the targets set for Penang 2030 vision. With a little over 50% more to go, we believe we can fulfil the targets.


“In subsequent days, we will tour other places to ensure the election machinery operates efficiently,” Chow said.


Chow introducing Fahmi (above) and Dr Mohamad (below) to the traders at the Bayan Baru Market.


Asked what he thought of the numerous one-to-one fights for the state seats, Chow viewed it as an indication of the Unity government’s strong position.


He explained that a considerable number of the Perikatan Nasional candidates are relatively unknown whereas those representing the Unity government, despite some being newcomers, have a track record as councillors or youth leaders.


Chow introducing Unity candidate Fahmi for Pantai Jerejak to the vegetable sellers at the Bayan Baru Market.


During the visit to the Bayan Baru Market, Chow and Sim actively introduced both Fahmi and Dr Mohamad to various traders, hawkers, marketgoers, and patrons, and they received warm responses in the form of smiles and handshakes.


Sim said Pantai Jerejak has attracted a four-cornered fight, making it a ‘very hot’ constituency.


“However, we’re confident we will win because issues in Pantai Jerejak and this market have been resolved,” Sim said.


He highlighted the significant efforts made to address local issues, such as the ongoing RM1.2 million upgrade funded by the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and an additional RM300,000 from his parliamentary fund for the upgrade, including installing four helicopter fans costing about RM130,000.


The Pantai Jerejak four-cornered fight at Pantai Jerejak involves Fahmi Zainol (Harapan), Oh Tiong Keong (Perikatan Nasional), Priyankaa Loh (Muda) and Ravinder Singh (Parti Rakyat Malaysia). The seat was previously held by current Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, who has stepped aside for his PKR colleague, Fahmi, to contest.


While the Unity team was going around meeting the people, they came across Oh and his entourage who were also doing their walkabout. Both sides exchanged pleasantries.


In the Batu Maung constituency, Dr Mohamad faces a straight fight against PN’s Azahari Aris. The seat was previously held by state executive councillor Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain.