CM Chow dismisses call to dissolve GTWHI amid promo video controversy

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THE call to dissolve the George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) is unreasonable especially in light of the recent controversy surrounding a promotional video posted by the George Town Festival organisers, according to Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.


Chow acknowledged the promotional video, which was criticized by some quarters for omitting some elements of Malay culture, arts, and heritage, was a mistake by the organisers. He noted the video was promptly removed and an apology was issued by the related parties.


George Town World Heritage Site is the project owner of the George Town Festival (GTF).


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One of the performances during the opening ceremony of GTF 2024.


Following this incident, Seberang Jaya assemblyman Izhar Shah Arif Shah has called the Penang government to dissolve GTWHI, citing the organiser’s lack of sensitivity to other cultures in the promotional video.


In response, Chow said while it was a mistake by the organisers, the call to dissolve GTWHI is unreasonable given the organisation’s achievements and its recognition both locally and internationally.


“The matter was immediately addressed with the video’s removal and an apology issued from the involved parties.


“Moving forward, GTWHI must be evaluated based on its role to ensure the status of George Town as a Unesco World Heritage Site remains intact.


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Chow (in white) being briefed by one of the individuals on a unique display during the event.


“Having been around for 16 years, GTWHI has received many awards from Unesco itself, including being recognised as the ‘Best Managed World Heritage Site’ in the past.


“So, it is unfair to completely dissolve a body that’s been entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding a very important status (Unesco World Heritage Site) that we gained in 2008,” Chow told reporters during the opening ceremony of the GTF 2024 in George Town today.


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Chow (sixth from right) posing with other state representatives and members from the organising committee of GTF 2024.


Powered by the theme ‘Here and Now’, GTF 2024 officially starts today (July 19), and will end on July 28.


The 10-day festival boasts a line-up of over 80 programmes, featuring local and international artists, and will move across different locations throughout George Town.


Meanwhile, Chow mentioned that 81 performers from nine Malay performance groups will participate in the festival.


Since it was introduced in 2010, GTF has grown to become one of the most significant art events in the Asia-Pacific region, serving as a platform for artists across the globe to collaborate, create and connect.


On another matter, responding to a call by Permatang Pauh MP Muhammad Fawwaz Mat Jan to rename George Town to Tanjung Penaga, Chow rejected the suggestion. He emphasised that George Town, as well as other places in the country, holds historical legacies that were passed down not only by British colonials, but other colonial powers too.


“To name a few, the Portuguese, Dutch and ancient Hindu empires have all contributed to our historical legacies.


“Therefore, to completely wipe out all colonial legacies in the country would be a great task, he said.


In a related development, Chow announced that entertainment-based programmes, scheduled for tomorrow (July 20), will be postponed to other days during the festival period in respect of the Coronation of the 17th King of Malaysia, His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, which will be held at Istana Negara on July 20.


Also present earlier were state Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, state Housing and Environment Committee chairman Datuk Seri Sundarajoo Somu, state Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Lim Siew Khim and GTF director Chin Teo.


Story by Kevin Vimal
Pix by Siew Chia En
Video by Ahmad Adil Muhammad