Committed to addressing food waste and hunger problems

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THE Penang government remains steadfast in its commitment to addressing both food waste and hunger simultaneously.


State Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Lim Siew Khim said various initiatives have been carried out over the years to address this matter.


She cited the Mutiara Food Bank initiative, which has effectively rescued surplus food from supermarkets, bakeries, food manufacturers and other sources.


“We have collaborated with state-elected representatives from 23 constituencies in Penang to reach out to 114,522 recipients under the B40 communities.


“As of May this year, we have rescued 1,481,237 tonnes of produce and 223,718 tonnes of pastries.


“All of this food is distributed to the community through the Village Community Management Councils (MPKKs), thus, addressing both food waste and hunger simultaneously.


“By distributing this food to those in need, we are making a significant impact on reducing food waste and alleviating hunger,” Lim told a press conference at the Penang Legislative Assembly building today.


Also present were Berapit assemblyman Heng Lee Lee, Sungai Puyu assemblyman Phee Syn Tze, Bagan Jermal assemblyman Chee Yeeh Keen, Bagan Dalam assemblyman Kumaran Krishnan and Seri Delima assemblyman Connie Tan Hooi Peng.


Lim added that other initiatives also include the establishment of the Mutiara Food Bank central kitchen at Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang in George Town.


“At this place, we prepare hot meals for distribution to B40 families through collaboration with private companies under corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, ensuring they have access to nutritious food.


“This initiative is made possible with the help of local community leaders from MPKK, who play a crucial role in identifying and reaching those in need.


“Additionally, at the Pusat Transit Gelandangan in Jalan C.Y. Choy, we provide shelter and support to homeless individuals, helping them meet their daily needs. Through collaboration with relevant agencies, we also assist them to find employment and rebuild their lives,” she explained.


According to Lim, the state government also has consistently encouraged the public to donate food to the Pusat Transit Gelandangan in Jalan C.Y. Choy.


“So far, the response has been very positive. Previously, people would donate directly to the homeless on the streets.


“However, since the establishment of this transit centre, we managed to increase their awareness, and the public has begun donating food directly to the Pusat Transit Gelandangan. Now, every day, we receive food donations for the homeless.


“Not only do the residents of the shelter benefit but also elderly individuals living alone in nearby areas, such as the Noordin Flats, come to the centre for meals. This way, we minimise food wastage and ensure efficient management,” said Lim.


Lim also thanked Green Heroes and Care Meals for their collaboration with Mutiara Food Bank, donating 200 packs of hot meals to the transit centre in observance of World Hunger Day today.


“Everyone must play a role in ensuring that those less fortunate have food on their plates. For this programme, we have the support of Green Heroes and Care Meals. Thus, I extend my heartfelt thanks to them.


“On this World Hunger Day today, I urge everyone to join us in our efforts to eradicate hunger. Whether through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, every action counts. Together, we can create a community where everyone has access to the basic necessity of food,” she concluded.

Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Law Suun Ting