Story by Chan Lilian
PENANG Forum members were invited to Komtar by state leaders on March 1 to discuss issues that they are concerned about in a rational manner.
“The state government is puzzled at the manufactured furore over the removing and replanting of 16 trees of 30 years old when nothing much was said when certain states cut down entire forest reserves. But we will strive to respond to two main issues raised in the interest of transparency and open government,” Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng told the members.
“While you, the steering committee, may be able to view the island’s traffic woes in isolation, look at it from a mono-dimension of protecting trees without regard for traffic congestion, and withstand it as a regular inconvenience for years to come. It is not a sentiment and luxury shared by many,” he added.
Given that Green Lane functions as a main artery in the island’s existing network of roads, it undoubtedly bears a major brunt of traffic as residents would ply the route for their day-to-day business.
“Until the PTMP (Penang Transport Master Plan) sees the light of day, is the state government expected to cross its arms and wait patiently while traffic woes worsen?” Lim asked.
“Lest we forget no credit is given to the state government’s success in planting 271,000 trees since we took power in 2008, but attention is focused on the removal on 16 trees. Reason and logic is missing here.”
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