Disted College unveils Colab²abz facility to equip students for IR4.0


THE DISTED College Penang has launched its new facility, the Colab²abz, to keep abreast with the advancement of technology as well as to equip its students with the necessary skills to survive in the IR 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution) era.


Pulau Tikus assemblyman Chris Lee, who was the guest of honour during the launching ceremony of the Colab²abz, highlighted the importance of adopting technological changes to avoid being left behind.

“If we are slow and do not keep up with the technological changes, we will not be able to catch up with the rest of the world and we need to work together to bring Penang forward.


“Youngsters, go and explore the world and bring back the skills that you have acquired to help develop Penang.


“So, have fun and make your student life a memorable one but do not neglect your studies as you are our future leaders,” Lee said during the event at DISTED College today.

Meanwhile, DISTED College president Prof Dr Vikneswaran Nair said technology is required across all studies not only those who are pursuing computer-based studies.


“The Colab²abz is a space that provides students from all fields to learn technology. For example, art students can sketch drawings with the help of technology.


“We cannot run away from technology, and that is why we want to ensure that every student from every programme understands the data transformation and digitalisation that are happening.


“We want to produce future-ready graduates capable of thriving in a technology-driven world,” Vikneswaran added.

Chief executive officer Datuk Lim Si Boon said the space would be instrumental in getting students from all departments to collaborate and explore IR 4.0, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and e-gaming technology.



Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Law Suun Ting