Durian demand surges amid early fruiting season

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DURIAN demand is rising, but supply is low due to the early fruiting season, according to state Agrotechnology, Food Security and Cooperative Development Committee chairman Fahmi Zainol.


He said sales expectations for this year are high, with increased revenue anticipated due to the prolonged season from June to August. Last year, the durian season lasted one month in June, with a production of 20,082 metric tonnes.


He said that assuming the value was RM15 per kilogramme, sales were RM301 million last year. With production expected to triple this year, sales are expected to hit over RM1 billion, including durians exported overseas.


“Marketing efforts are actively carried out through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, the state government will promote the Durian Festival, which will be held in Sungai Bakap on June 29.


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Fahmi says a Durian Festival will be held in Sungai Bakap on June 29.


“So far, visitors and locals are focusing on locations such as Balik Pulau, Relau, Machang Bubuk, and Sungai Bakap to buy durian,” Fahmi added.


According to Fahmi, durian prices this season range from RM12 per kilogramme to RM90 per kilogramme, depending on the species. He attributed one of the reasons for the high prices to increasing maintenance costs throughout the year.


Popular durian varieties this season include Black Thorn, Musang King, Red Prawn, Horlor, and Penang premium clones.


Story and pix by Nur Syakirah Mohd Basri