THE 2024 Bardhan Cup promises thrilling action as the opening match kicks off in Penang, with teams from across Malaysia competing for the prestigious champion’s trophy and a grand...
SNOOKER and billiards are sports that require critical thinking and foster a competitive spirit while promoting sportsmanship among the players during tournaments. Dismissing misconception that these sports are...
Welfare and community
MBPP team celebrates success at Straits Quay Marina Dragon Boat Regatta
THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) has been awarded RM1,500 by the state Local Government, Town, and Country Planning Committee chairman H’ng Mooi Lye, in recognition of their outstanding...
The annual ‘LovePENANG Run 2024’ drew an impressive crowd of 10,000 participants to Jalan Pantai (Beach Street) in George Town, showcasing the community’s patriotism for both state and country....