EXCO for Town & Country Planning and Housing Jagdeep Singh said the state government had revised the eligibility criteria for affordable housing projects in Penang. Units priced up to RM150,000 will receive funds for maintenance and repairworks involving lifts, water tanks, piping system and roof.
He said the revised eligibility criteria will include painting and road tarring as well as fixing corridor lights and staircase railing.
With this, affordable housing projects in Penang with units priced up to RM150,000 are now eligible for aid from the State Housing Maintenance
Maximum 80% Fund (TMP80PP).
He added the aid would be given out at a ratio of 80:20 for units priced RM100,000 and below wherby the state would cover 80% of the cost while the cost of the remaining 20% would be borne by the residents.
He said the ratio was 60:40 for units priced above RM100,000 to RM150,000 as the monthly maintenance fee paid by the residents would be higher, thus enabling them to fork out a bigger sum.
“However, we will limit our contribution for painting and road tarring to a ratio of 20:80 for both housing categories, with 20% of the cost to be borne by us and the remainder by the residents.
“This is because we expect the cost of painting to be exorbitant.
“Painting is secondary in importance to other work,” he told reporters on June 16 at the Kedah Road Flats.
Jagdeep said the state paid RM64, 140 or 80% of the cost for the repairs to the main sheave and hoisting rope of the two lifts there.
The flats’ management committee paid the remaining RM16,035.
Accompanying him at the site visit were exco for Local Government, Town Planning and Flood Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow. Also present were Kedah Road Complex management corporation chairman Tay Chye Hock and Market Street Village Security Development Comittee chairman Maula Mydin.
Jagdeep commented the state would consider funding other types of maintenance work apart from those mentioned under the TMP80PP.
He added the state has allocated RM11.5 million for the fund since its establishment in 2013.
“RM7.1 million were spent on 53 maintenance projects for high rise projects.”