‘Fountain Garden’ restored to its former glory


‘THE ‘Fountain Garden’ located next to the Town Hall in George Town has now got a new look after undergoing restoration work on Feb 14 last year.

The Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and George Town Conservation & Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (GTCDC) were involved in the restoration work.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who attended the unveiling ceremony of the fountain today, hoped that the restored fountain would now recreate the atmosphere of the 1800’s.

“This fountain (donated by prominent businessman Koh Seang Tat to the municipality – MBPP) has been here for almost 135 years. And now, we hope that after being fully restored, it would bring back the nostalgic feel of the 1800 era.

“This is the first historic garden restoration project in Penang which was done with the guidance of some old photographs and records.

“The scope of the project involves reinstating the original design layout and the positioning of structures within the site. The entire cost of the work (RM400,000) was borne by Think City,” said Chow at the ceremony today.

According to Chow, the restoring work was done by abiding to the guidelines set by the Florence Charter which was developed in 1981 by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and are being adopted by UNESCO for the preservation of historic gardens.

“As we all know George Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), both tangible and intangible. As part of our commitment towards strengthening and enhancing our OUV, we follow the guidelines set forth in the Florence Charter with regards to the project.

“The Charter outlines strategies for conservation and restoration of gardens, including their layout, vegetation, structural and decorative features and the use of water. It recommends protecting the fabric and cultural message of such gardens,” added Chow.

The restoration project falls under the George Town North Seafront Master Plan which is part of the Special Area Plan approved by the local authorities.

“The state government is serious in pursuing a network of green public spaces to increase connectivity, walkability and social interaction.

“The establishment of GTCDC, a tripartite partnership between the Chief Minister’s Incorporated (CMI), Think City and Aga Khan Trust for Culture, enabled us to develop the North Seafront Master Plan.

“This effort also complements our recently announced Penang Green Connectors Project which will see the development of various parks and amenities, as well as providing seamless connectivity to the hills and coastal areas,” said Chow.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad
Video by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi