ABOUT 120 residents, young and old from Desa Mawar in Air Itam, received their free haircut from Hairstory International today.
Hairstory has been providing free haircut for the public for many years with the purpose of helping needy families as well as being part of its CSR programme to society.
Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng, who officiated the event for the second time at the Desa Mawar Community Hall, said the event was most meaningful to promote a caring society.
“I’m glad the residents are happy and satisfied with their new hairstyles. They appreciate the efforts taken by the Community Development & Security Committee (JKKK) Thean Teik, Hairstory International and the state government,” said Ng.
A total of 30 hairdressers from Hairstory salons took part in the programme from 9.30am until 11.30am.
Story & pix by K.Thaarshenii