Get yourself vaccinated, advises doctor



VACCINATION is the best way to get out from the current Covid-19 pandemic situation and everyone should heed the call by the authorities to get inoculated, says a Penang Hospital medical officer.

Dr Jagdeep Singh, who is attached with the Cardiology Department, stressed the importance of inoculation against vaccine misinformation spread by certain anti-vaxxers.

He said it was crucial for everyone to come forward to receive their jabs soon in order to reach the herd immunity.

In an-hour long of question and answer (Q&A) session titled ‘Towards Global Immunisations’, Dr Jagdeep shared his input on his understanding of the pandemic and how vaccination could help to battle the virus.

“Many people had misconceptions about the vaccination drive initially as they did not obtain the right information on vaccination.

“For instance, some of my patients were also reluctant to be vaccinated as they were unsure of the vaccines.

“They had the fear of whether the vaccines would affect them in the long run.

“Hence, they need a certain platform such as those from the medical profession to explain the exact circumstances in order for them to step forward,” he said.

Dr Jagdeep also took the opportunity to answer a few questions that were posed by the public during the virtual session.

Among them were the effectiveness of vaccines in reducing the severity, safety concern for pregnant women, consumption of medicines before and after vaccination, and other related questions pertaining to vaccination.

On safety concern for pregnant women, Dr Jagdeep pointed out that pregnant mothers, who are into 13-33 weeks of pregnancy, are encouraged to be vaccinated.

Besides that, Dr Jagdeep said other medicines are not required before taking the jab.

“If you are feeling unwell or feverish, just take a panadol will do.

“Its important to keep hydrated all the time before taking vaccine and have aplenty rest after your jab,” he added.

The session was organised by Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang in a collaboration with the Penang government.

It was moderated by its honorary secretary Sukhveer Kaur and joined by state Social Development and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Chong Eng and Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang president Daljit Singh.

Earlier, Chong Eng had also touched on the vaccination effort in Penang.

She said the state was doing well in its vaccination drive as of now.

“I believe that we will achieve our goal soon, but all of us must still continue to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs).

“I believe that such session will help to ramp up the inoculation effort. I will be also engaging with other community as well,” she said.

On the number of politicians flouting the standard operating procedures (SOPs), she said all the leaders should set an exemplary role as well.

“The public will be the one to judge us so we need to walk the talk in adhering to the SOPs ,” she replied to a question that was posted by the public during the session.

Story by Edmund Lee