Give your best shot, Soon tells Penang Sukma athletes


WHEN it comes to the Penang Sukma (Malaysia Games) team, chef-de-mission Soon Lip Chee wants nothing but the best.

Soon, who is also the state executive councillor for Youth and Sports, always gives words of encouragement when he meets his athletes who have descended upon Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur, to vie for honours in the 20th Sukma from Sept 16 to 24.

His reason is to boost their morale to surpass their personal best and bring glory to the state.


The Games will feature 31 types of sports, with 426 medals at stake.


In a brief interview with Buletin Mutiara at the Hotel Tenera, Bandar Baru Bangi this morning, the Soon expressed his hopes that all the athletes can give their best shot in the events they are going to contest.


“Although we might be the favourites for judo, sepak takraw, karate, and wushu, we still need to do our best in other sports as well.



“When we compete, we perform to our level best and strive to deliver a good result in whichever sports.



“In fact, I hope that we can secure 31 medals in all the events we compete. This is my wish for the Penang Sukma team.



“On top of that, the athletes have also been preparing for their respective sports ever since before the Covid-19 pandemic.


“Initially, the Sukma event was extended to this year due to the unforeseen pandemic that occurred two years ago,” said Soon.



He pointed out the 488-member strong Penang contingent is setting a realistic target of 26 gold, 20 silver and 44 bronze medals in this year’s Sukma.

In the last Sukma held in Perak in 2018, Penang finished seventh overall with 32 gold, 30 silver and 31 bronze medals.

Terengganu, which has invested heavily on the athletes’ preparation, emerged overall winners with 56 gold, 51 silver and 53 bronze medals.


On the contingent’s logistics, Soon said everything was ongoing smoothly without any hassle.


“They adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs), such as wearing face masks although the pandemic situation has improved.


“The athletes’ meals are also prepared accordingly,” he said.



Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad