THE Green School Awards 2013, aimed at to educating the younger generation as responsible individuals in conserving and preserving the environment, was launched on March 16 by the Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) at Aeon Seberang Perai.
Awards will be given out following a set criteria such as recycling effort, innovation and creativity, cleanliness and greening and community engagement.
Both primary and secondary school champions will be given RM1,000 and a medal.Winners will be announced in August.
MPSP chief Maimunah Shariff said she is confident that early education can build a positive community and proactive personality.
“Since MPSP began conducting awareness programmes and education, the recycling rate was 21.97 per cent in 2008, 2009 (23.55 per cent), 2010 (23.3 per cent), 2,011 (26.48 per cent) and 2012 (29.77 per cent). The rate is increasing yearly,” she added.
“I hope these programmes will raise awareness about the environment so that it continues to be preserved and cherished. With constant efforts, I believe Penang will be more cheerful in the future.” -EJ-