Hair-raising fundraiser


SUNGAI Pinang assemblyman Lim Siew Khim and Jelutong MP R.S.N Rayer took part in the iCUT for Charity organised by the Penang Adventist Hospital (PAH) to show their support towards raising fund for cancer patients.

According to Lim, the iCUT for Charity campaign, which began on Feb 7, aims to raise RM50,000 through 200 inches of haircut.

“For every inch of haircut, the PAH would request a donation of RM250 from generous donors in aid of the hospital’s cancer fund.

“Previously, PAH has also initiated numerous charitable programmes to assist the needy patients with their medical expenses and is continuously serving the community with dedication.

“So, I call upon all to come forward and show your support either by contributing money or by trimming or cutting your hair,” said Lim after getting her haircut at Hair Story International today.

Lim added that sometimes to help the needy, it could be in the form of a small gesture – not necessarily be in dollars and cents.

“Those who wish to support this good cause can visit the participating hair salons, namely Hair Story International, Baptain Hair Salon, Twiggy Salon and Wave Salon to get your hair trimmed or cut.

“The most important thing is that we need to create an awareness about the need of those suffering due to sicknesses ,” said Lim.

Lim left) and  Rayer getting a hair cut

Meanwhile, Rayer offered to join hands with the PAH to help improve the life of those afflicted with cancer.

“If there are any cancer patients from the Jelutong and Sungai Pinang neighbourhood, who need finance assistance or emotional support, please do not hesitate to contact us,” said Rayer.

“I believe emotional support is very much needed to uplift the patient’s spirit,” added Rayer.

According to PAH charity manager Jenny Ooi, the iCUT for Charity campaign which would end on March 6, has raised RM33,000 thus far.

“Those who would like to make donations can do so via cheque under the name Adventist Hospital & Clinic Services(M) or online transfer under account number, 082-201-200231-6 (AmBank (M) Berhad),” said Ooi.

Along with Lim and Rayer, members from Sungai Pinang services centre, Sungai Pinang Village Community Management Council (MPKK), CDERT MPKK Sungai Pinang, Sungai Pinang Women and Family Development Committee (JPWK) also participated in the event.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Chan Kok Kuan