A MOMENTOUS occasion unfolded as Penang welcomes the presence of Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing and delegates from Melaka, led by its Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh, for the mock cheque presentation ceremony of the Unesco World Heritage Sites conservation programme.
Caretaker Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said the ceremony marked a significant milestone in advancing the aspirations of Penang2030 and Malaysia Madani.
“On behalf of the people and the state, I would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the Unity Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, for allocating RM25 million each to both Penang and Melaka for the conservation and management of the Unesco World Heritage Sites of Melaka and George Town in Penang.
“Penang has remained committed to preserving and enhancing its historic treasures.
“Managing and conserving the George Town Unesco World Heritage Sites, comprising 5,013 buildings (82 Category I heritage buildings and 3,771 Category II heritage buildings) has been a challenging endeavour.
“Nevertheless, the state government’s unwavering commitment has ensured the preservation of this invaluable heritage asset,” he said in his speech at E&O Hotel today.

Chow added that the Penang government had allocated at least RM150 million for various conservation activities, including restoration, maintenance, conservation, upgrading, repair, documentation, promotion, community empowerment, and site management over the past 15 years.
“The state government established the George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI) to be the administrator of the George Town Unesco World Heritage Sites in 2010. GTWHI was set up to ensure the best management practices for the George Town Unesco World Heritage Sites.
“GTWHI earned recognition from Unesco as one of the exemplary World Heritage Site administrators in the Asia-Pacific region.
“The concerted efforts of all stakeholders, including the local government, and committed strategic partners have been instrumental in maintaining the Unesco status in the state,” he said.
Chow said Penang hopes to advance ongoing initiatives with the RM25 million allocation.
Ab Rauf spoke about its Melaka World Heritage Office, which supervises and manages its Unesco World Heritage Sites.
He called on both Melaka and Penang to conserve the Unesco World Heritage Sites together.
Tiong urged both states to discuss and implement projects which could upgrade their respective Unesco World Heritage Sites.
“We must showcase the best image of Malaysia to the world,” he said.
Also present were caretaker Penang Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Yeoh Soon Hin and Penang State Secretary Datuk Mohd Sayuthi Bakar.
Story by Christopher Tan
Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud
Video by Siti Nuratikah Rahmat