Inspiring women to live courageously

PRECIOUS Pages Resources, in collaboration with WomenBizSENSE, held a mini International Women’s Day at its Codrington Avenue premises in Pulau Tikus recently.


Two dynamic women – Penang-born Datuk Judy Cheng-Hopkins and Hong Kong-born Charlotte Kirby – shared their vast experiences at the event which was attended by a group of enthusiastic women. The event’s theme was ‘Courage.’


Pupils from Abott Steam Academy are all smiles after presented medals and prizes. With them are Judy (left) and Abott owner Patsy Lim.


“Since this event was held to celebrate International Women’s Day, we decided to feature the two experienced speakers to inspire women to overcome whatever challenges they face in their careers.


“We were glad that a number of the attendees are below 35 years old,” said Precious Pages Resources director Datin Josephine Yoong, who together with Krista Goon, co-founded the WomenBizSENSE to connect Penang women entrepreneurs for business growth.


Judy sharing her experiences while working in the UN


Judy, who spent over 30 years serving in the United Nations in various peacekeeping programmes, including in war-torn countries such as Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, shared about her life adventures.


They included her meeting with 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi and the king of Bhutan.


Charlotte talks about what she learns from John Maxwell leadership course.


Charlotte, a certified John Maxwell leadership trainer and coach, and author, spoke about the importance of having the courage to rewrite a better story if we are not satisfied with our current narratives.


The organisers also spiced up the event by having an all-woman trio from the Penang Jazz Society perform two jazz pieces.


Speakers Charlotte (sixth from left) and Judy (seventh from left) in a photo with emcee Vivmmie Lau (left), Yoong (third from left), Living Keys Studio student Tan Yu Jia (fourth from left), Goon (fifth from left) and three jazz players at the IWD celebration.


Judy later gave away medals to the girls who won in an international coding competition. The girls are students of Abott Steam Academy.


At the end of the event, both Yoong and Goon expressed their gratitude to sponsors such as Soap Cart, City Wellness Pharmacy, Avalynn Cakes, Georgetown Heritage Chocolate, Metta Cottage, Flour & Oil, BA Consultancy, Dream Makers, Living Key Studios, Precious Ones and Penang Jazz Society for supporting the event.


Story by K.H. Ong

Pix courtesy of WomenBizSENSE