TO support the noble cause of the Women’s Centre for Change (WCC), the Village Community Management Council (MPKK) and Women and Family Development Committee (JPWK) under the Pulau Tikus constituency raised funds via a jumble sale recently.
Pulau Tikus assemblyman Chris Lee said a total of RM8,400 was raised during the jumble sale, which was held for two days on March 18 and 19 at Island Plaza.
“I would like to thank my teams from MPKK and JPWK for successfully organising the event, the volunteers from WCC, and Island Plaza for allowing us to use their facility.
“WCC has been instrumental in spreading awareness of protecting oneself among women. It has also helped to reduce the number of victims (domestic violence and sexual abuse).
“My special thanks also go to MPKK Kampung Sireh Kebun Nyiur chairman Bhawani Nadarajan, who is also a member of WCC, for helping to reach out to the community,” he said during a press conference at WCC today.
Also present were WCC executive director Loh Cheng Kooi, Pulau Tikus JPWK chairman Datin Christine Chua and Island Plaza complex manager Stephen Loh.
Meanwhile, WCC fundraising ambassador Datuk Annie Chin thanked Lee and his team for their efforts in raising the fund.
“Thank you to YB Lee for his continuous support to WCC,” she said.
The event saw the participation of some 380 visitors.
It is learned that a total of 55 volunteers, including two students from Dalat International School, and seven staff members from Dell Penang assisted with the sale.
The WCC can be contacted at 04-228 0342 or 011-3108 4001 (hotline) or via email at [email protected]. It is located at 241 Jalan Burma, 10350 Penang.
Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Siew Chia En