Karpal Singh’s legacy continues to inspire justice and democracy

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OVER a thousand participants gathered this morning for the legacy walk at Karpal Singh Drive to honour the late ‘Tiger of Jelutong,’ Datuk Seri Utama Karpal Singh.


Clad in grey T-shirts featuring Karpal’s face, participants began assembling enthusiastically as early as 6am.


Organised by the DAP Penang, the 2.7 km walk took approximately 40 minutes, followed by a memorial service.


Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who is also the state DAP chairman, joined the flag-off ceremony in front of the Automall in Karpal Singh Drive at 7am.


Also present at the flag-off ceremony were Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo, Deputy Finance Minister Lim Hui Ying, who is also the Tanjong MP, former Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who is also the Bagan MP, DAP veteran Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang, state Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, state Local Government, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jason H’ng Mooi Lye, Berapit assemblyman Heng Lee Lee, Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng Soon Siang, Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh, Jelutong MP RSN Rayer, and Karpal’s wife Datin Seri Utama Gurmit Kaur.


In his speech, Chow described Karpal’s legacy as more than just a story of political prowess, but as a testament to unwavering commitment and integrity spanning over four decades of service to Penang, Malaysia, and its people.


“Whether as the esteemed Member of Parliament for Jelutong and Bukit Gelugor or as the revered national chairman of DAP, he tirelessly advocated for the rights and freedoms of every citizen, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of our nation’s history.


“Today, as we gather to honour Karpal‘s memory, we are called not only to reminisce but to recommit ourselves to preserving his visionary ideals for Malaysia.


“He envisioned a Malaysia where the principles of harmony, prosperity, and freedom transcended barriers of race, religion, and background.


“His vision remains as relevant today as it was during his lifetime, urging us to strive for a Malaysia where diversity is celebrated and unity is our strength,” said Chow.


Chow added that DAP would always hold a deep appreciation for its former leader, Karpal Singh, recognising his unwavering dedication to the party principles and the betterment of Malaysia.


“As we reflect on his towering legacy, the DAP pledges to continue his work, striving to uphold the values he championed and to build a nation that embodies the ideals he fought for throughout his life.


“Although Karpal Singh is no longer with us, his legacy remains a guiding beacon, inspiring us to honour his memory not just with words but with actions that continue his fight for justice, democracy, and the rights of all Malaysians,” he said.