Keeping the bus terminal clean for bus users’ comfort



THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) is committed to maintaining the cleanliness and comfort of the Komtar Bus Terminal to ensure the convenience of bus users.

According to MBPP councillor Tan Soo Siang, diligent cleaning efforts have been in place at the bus terminal since 2011.

However, these cleaning routines have been further intensified since September this year.

Cleaning now occurs twice daily, at approximately 5.30am and 8.30pm, chosen to minimise inconvenience to bus users, particularly during peak hours.

“We recognise the paramount importance of preserving the cleanliness of the terminal, and we hope the public understands the necessity of these cleaning measures,” Tan stated.

She also highlighted that MBPP does not displace vagrants during cleaning operations.

Tan further disclosed that MBPP has invested RM37,800 in enhancing the bus terminal.

“These improvements include upgraded lighting, better bus lanes, and the installation of stainless steel seats.

“Moreover, an additional budget of RM83,000 will be allocated from the coming month until March next year for repainting and further enhancements to the bus lanes.

H’ng speaking to reporters while flanked by Rajendran (left), Lim (second left) and Tan (right)

MBPP mayor Datuk A. Rajendran noted that the bus terminal has become noticeably cleaner and brighter thanks to these recent upgrades, emphasising the council’s ongoing efforts to improve facilities.

State Local Government, Town, and Country Planning Committee chairman H’ng Mooi Lye affirmed MBPP’s dedication to prioritising bus users’ convenience and brushed off video clips claiming that vagrants were forcefully removed during cleaning operations, referring to them as baseless.

State Social Development, Welfare, and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Lim Siew Khim, also present, echoed H’ng’s sentiments and encouraged those interested in helping vagrants to assist at the homeless transit centre in Jalan C.Y. Choy.

Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Noor Siti Nabilah Noorazis