THE game of sepak takraw was given a boost today when the state government, through the Youth and Sports Committee, handed over three new courts in Padang Suria to the Kampong Melayu Village Community Management Council (MPKK).
State executive councillor Soon Lip Chee said the state government had spent a total of RM183,000 for the construction of the three courts and the installation of floodlights.
He also thanked the Northeast District Office for helping to make the project a success.
“Penang is not only a powerhouse in badminton but also sepak takraw. However, in recent times, we have fallen behind in sepak takraw and we want to recapture the glory.
“The Penang Black Panthers, playing under the banner of the Penang Sepak Takraw Association, finished fourth in the Sepak Takraw League 2021-2022 recently. For the record, the Penang Black Panthers had been champions in the Sepak Takraw Premier League for three consecutive years from 2016 to 2018.
“In 2018 Sukma, the Penang team won the gold (regu) and silver (team). Three of its players – Muhammad Zanif Marican Ibrahim Marican, Muhammad Faisal Mohd Fuad and Muhammad Zulhusni Basri – have been selected to represent Malaysia in the SEA Games in Hanoi next month.
“We want to start rebuilding the Penang team and develop it into an excellent team in three years. We want to attract more youths to the game and unearth new talents.
“The youths nowadays seem to lack focus on sepak takraw as they are either involved with esports or other activities,” Soon said in his speech at a simple handover ceremony of the sepak takraw courts in Padang Suria.
(From right) Ramkarpal, Soon, Ng and Abdul Aziz posing for a photo at the handover of the sepak takraw courts ceremony in Padang Suria.
Soon added that in 2021, 10 new courts, including the ones in Padang Suria, were built while 15 others in Penang were upgraded.
For this year, he said there were five applications to either build or upgrade the sepak takraw courts. So far, only one new court is being built while the other applications are being processed.
He said to date, 78 percent of the state’s allocation for sports has been used and he urged assemblymen to apply if they require new sports facilities or upgrade their current facilities.
Soon later handed an official letter to Kampong Melayu MPKK chairman Abdul Aziz Buhari in a symbolic handover ceremony of the sepak takraw courts. Others present were Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh, Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng and Air Itam district penghulu Nasrizal Nasib.
Ramkarpal said he would consider Ng’s request to build roofing for the courts.
In the meantime, he has pledged about RM99,000 from his parliamentary funds for bush clearing work around the area and other general works.
“I would like to thank YB Soon for the initiative which will benefit the residents here. There are also many high-rises here,” Ramkarpal said.
Ng also thanked Soon for building the three new courts in Padang Suria, saying sepak takraw has been a traditional game in Kampung Melayu.
“Several excellent players have been produced from this area. The new courts will provide a good avenue for the youths to engage in healthy activities.
“We also plan to hold an open competition this year,” Ng said.
Story and pix by K.H. Ong