THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) is providing employment opportunities for those who have lost their jobs due to the ongoing pandemic.
Its mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang said a total of 100 job vacancies under the Urban Services Department and the Landscape Department are open for application.
“The MBPP desires to help those individuals who are struggling to get a job after losing it due to the pandemic. Thus, we are providing these job employment opportunities to help them with their livelihoods.
“The recruitment is for the position of civil assistant (daily part-time employee) whereby the Urban Services Department offers 75 vacancies and the Landscape Department offers 25 positions,’’ said Yew during a press conference held after the full board council meeting today.
Yew said Malaysians above 18 to 45 years old can send in their application through the online application form ( or else visit the council’s facebook page to view the link. They can also scan the QR code displayed on the job advertisement.
“The job scope under the Urban Services Department involves the 3D (dangerous, dirty and difficult) work to ensure the cleanliness at public facilities, namely at markets, food complexes and toilets.
“For Landscape Department, the employees will need to participate in the upkeeping of the landscape such as maintaining the trees and the empty grounds,’’ said Yew while adding that the duration of the service is for six months
For further inquiries, please contact Cik Norizianawati Azizan or Encik Sheik Osman V.O. Sintha Madar at 04-259 2234 / 04-2592311 / 04-259 2115
On a separate matter, Yew said the MBPP is giving out exemption for rental as well as the licence fee for six months for its hawkers.
“It involves hawkers at food complexes, hawker sites, temporary static hawkers, hawkers on private land, and hawkers on food trucks.
“The organising permits for night market, morning market, weekly market, and farmers’ markets have been waived as well for 12 months.
“As for the commercial premises under MBPP, a 50% rental discount is given for six months involving a total of 247 units. Apart from that, a moratorium for assessment tax is also given until end of this year,’’ he added.
Yew added that to help unlicensed roadside hawkers and night market traders night, MBPP has opened up 601 vacant stalls at the council’s premises for application.
“So far, 33 night market traders have been approved of their application and have been placed at the premises.
“Out of the 99 unlicensed roadside hawkers, 43 of them have submitted their application for the stalls. And as of 26 July 2021, MBPP still has 525 vacant stalls, ‘’ Yew said.
Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Alissala Thian