THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) is inviting durian traders and farm owners to do online business through the JBO@MBPP platform as well as rent its stalls to sell their fruits at public markets and MBPP complexes.
MBPP mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang said a total of 74 outlets are available on a first come, first served basis to interested traders, only at a minimum charge of RM85 per week.
“To make this initiative a success, the JBO@MBPP platform will be promoted through the official website of MBPP and also the MBPP Facebook page which has more than 120,000 followers.
“We believe this can help traders and hawkers in boosting their economy.
“Durian traders and durian orchard owners can choose to run a hybrid business, that is through JBO@MBPP (online) as well as MBPP initiatives such as Business From Farm (BFF), Business From Shop (BFS) and Business From Stall/Gerai (BFF),” Yew told a press conference via Zoom today.
He said registration for BFF, BFS and BFG could be made through JBO@MBPP platform starting tomorrow (May 21).
Yew added that since the JBO@MBPP platform was introduced on April 7 last year, it has received a very good response.
“The MBPP understands the plight of hawkers and traders especially those who run a small-scale business since the movement control order (MCO) first started in March 2020.
“So, MBPP came out with this exclusive e-commerce platform to help the hawkers and traders.
“To further strengthen JBO@MBPP, we have upgraded it to cater to a diversity of services to enable more merchants and hawkers to engage in online business.
“Now, JBO@MBPP has four business categories, namely F&B (food and beverage), market output, general goods and seasonal fruits,” Yew added.
He said traders who need advice on how to start online business using JBO@MBPP platform can contact its digital transformation team (Sri Mageswari Pattel – 011-26516403).
Those who wish to join the platform can register through
Story by K.H. Ong
Pix by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi