New incentive scheme to help taska operators and B40 children


THE state government is introducing the ‘Skim Bantuan Asuhan Kanak-Kanak di TASKA Pulau Pinang’ which would benefit 77 taska operators (daycare centre) and 707 children from low-income group (B40).

Chong Eng, the state executive councillor for Social Development and non-Islamic Religious Affairs, said a total of RM501,200 has been allocated for the scheme.

“Through this scheme, a monthly subsidy of RM50 will be given to children from the low-income group (B40).

“And a one-off payment of RM1,000 will be also given to the taska operators (full-time daycare) who charge a maximum fee of RM500 monthly.

“The allocation will be channelled to the respective children and taska operators through the Penang Social Welfare Department (JKMPP).

“The taska operators are required to submit the applications together with the relevant documents.

“They also need to send the applications on behalf of the parents to the JKMPP by Jan 29,’’ said Chong Eng during a press conference at Komtar today.

Chong Eng said the forms would be distributed through the JKMPP and welfare district offices to the taska operators who have been already identified. The forms will be distributed from tomorrow onwards (Jan 6).

“The forms submitted will be evaluated by the special committee set up by the Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) and it will be headed by myself,’’ said Chong Eng, who is also the chairperson of PWDC.

Meanwhile, Chong Eng urged the Federal Government to find ways to rectify the financial constraints faced by the B40 group in sending their children to taska.

“Most of the time, parents do not send their children to taska as the fee imposed is high. Thus, it indirectly forces women to quit their job to look after their children at home.

“If the fee imposed is affordable, perhaps more women are able to come out and make a living. The Federal Government could look into ways of helping the B40 families,’’ added Chong Eng.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud