Nurturing more Indian SMEs in Penang

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PENANG has great potential to support the growth of entrepreneurs, particularly within the Indian community, said A. Kumaresan (PH-Batu Uban) during the State Legislative Assembly today.


Kumaresan (PH-Batu Uban) stressed the importance of creating more business opportunities for Indian entrepreneurs in Penang.


“There is a gap that requires attention. I believe the state government is committed to fostering diversity and inclusiveness while supporting the growth of Indian SMEs,” he said.


Kumaresan also expressed hope for the state government to work closely with the Penang Indian Chambers to identify the gaps and take progressive steps to address them.


“Thank you to the state government for launching the direct flight from Penang to Chennai, set to begin in December.


“This will also help the local entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity to explore new markets,” he added.


Meanwhile, Kumaresan also appealed to the state government to expedite the completion of the new building for SJKT Sungai Bakap.


He also suggested the state government form a special committee to engage in constructive discussions with the Ministry of Education and all relevant stakeholders, ensuring that this issue is resolved promptly.


Story by Tanushalini Moroter