AN outdoor meditation retreat, organised by the United Buddhist Order of Penang, will be held at Vihara Boon Raksa Forest Monastery in Balik Pulau on Nov 12 and 13.
It is open to all devotees. So far, 82 have registered for the event which can accommodate 100 attendees. Registration is free.
State Social Development and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Chong Eng said the meditation retreat would provide a platform for the public to experience meditation outdoors for two days.

“Normally meditation takes place indoors, and this is the chance for those keen on meditating to experience it outdoors.
“It is conducted by retreat instructor Chao Khun Keng,” she said at a press conference at Mahindarama Meditation Centre during the video launch of the Penang Meditation Centre.
Chong Eng said the state, through its implementing agency Penang Harmony Corporation (HARMONICO), and in collaboration with the Buddhist meditation sanctuary, has produced a documentary video on the meditation sanctuary.
“Penang is unique as we are home to numerous outstanding meditation centres which are located in urban and rural areas.
“These meditation centres run by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are a testament to the people’s unity, volunteerism and commitment towards spiritual development,” she said.
Among the six places featured in the short documentary are Penang Bodhi Heart Sanctuary, Malaysia Buddhist Meditation Centre, Mahindarama Meditation Centre, United Buddhist Order of Penang’s Vihara Boon Raksa Forest Monastery, Appamada Vihari Meditation Centre and Nandaka Vihara Meditation Society.
Online registration is available by QR Code. Contact 018-2854606 and email to [email protected] for further information.
Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Siew Chia En