THE Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP) is taking proactive measures to improve the effective capacity at Teluk Bahang Dam in the coming days.
PBAPP chief executive officer K. Pathmanathan said although the effective capacity has decreased to about 40%, it remains within acceptable limits.

“The current state is now at about 40%, which is still manageable. We are implementing mitigation measures.
“Currently, we have reduced the drawdown, from 80 MLD (millions of litres per day) to 60 MLD. At the same time, we have also increased the drawdown at the Air Itam Dam to ensure a balanced water supply for consumers,” Patmanathan explained recently.
He further noted that the maximum effective capacity of the Teluk Bahang Dam is 18,240 million litres while the effective capacity of the Air Itam Dam is 2,160 million litres.
As of today, the effective capacity readings are Teluk Bahang Dam at 39.2%, Air Itam Dam at 60.9% and Mengkuang Dam at 90.79%.
Story by K.H. Ong
Pix by Nur Shikin Ismail