Penang govt approves formation of Penang Youth Committee to develop youths


THE Penang government has approved the setting up of the Penang Youth Committee (Jawatankuasa Belia Pulau Pinang).


State Youth and Sports Committee chairman Soon Lip Chee said the Penang executive council (exco) has approved the formation of Jawatankuasa Belia Pulau Pinang, also known as JBPP, in each state constituency. The nod was given on March 2 this year.


“This is an initiative by the state government to develop youths in a more comprehensive and impactful manner.


“The state has already set up the Village Community Management Council (MPKK) and Women and Family Development Committee (JPWK) in each state constituency. The MPKK and JPWK focus on implementing programmes for the development of the community and women.


“Now, the JBPP is set up as another platform to develop youths in Penang. This committee plays a role in training more young leaders in Penang through leadership programmes.


“The appointed JBPP 2022/2023 committee members will serve their term from May 1 to Dec 31, 2023,” he told a media conference at Bagan Jermal Youth Centre in Medan Melur Selatan, Taman Sin Tat, Butterworth, today.


Soon said that each JBPP committee consists of 10 members (chairman, secretary, treasurer, and seven committee members).


“Eligible candidates must fulfil certain criteria to be in the JBPP committee.


“Among the criteria are the youths must be aged between 18 and 35, residing in the respective state or parliamentary constituencies, and no criminal record.


“The eligible candidates must be proposed by their respective state assemblymen or state constituency coordinators (for state constituencies under the Opposition parties) to the appointment committee chaired by me.


“Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC) has been appointed the secretariat for the JBPP.


“PYDC will handle appointment matters, manage allocation, administrative matters and others related to JBPP,” Soon said.


On a separate matter, Soon announced the launching of the Bagan Jermal Youth Centre in Medan Melur Selatan, Taman Sin Tat, Butterworth.


Bagan Jermal Youth Centre.


“PYDC and Bagan Jermal JPWK had begun the preparation and upgrading works of the centre in July last year. The opening of the Bagan Jermal Youth Centre was postponed until now due to the Covid-19 situation.


“This is the fifth youth centre that is being set up in Penang. Earlier, we have initiated four youth centres, namely, the Penaga Youth Centre, Balik Pulau Youth Centre, Bertam Youth Centre, and Penanti Youth Centre,” he said.


PYDC general manager Dr Gwee Sai Ling hoped that the youth centres could encourage more youths to take part in beneficial programmes in their residential area.


She thanked Flex, Greatech Integration, Plexus and Subway for holding an open interview session at Bagan Jermal Youth Centre today.


An applicant is undergoing an open interview at Bagan Jermal Youth Centre.


Dr Gwee also expressed her appreciation to Board Kaki and Penang Clan Youth Association for conducting the ‘Board Games Experience’ and ‘Chinese Surname Talk’ respectively.


At the end of the event, Soon presented the Bagan Jermal MPKK Youth Bureau vests to the recipients, and certificates to the Bagan Jermal JPWK committee members.


Also present were Bagan Jermal JPWK chairman Ginny Bee and PYDC Board of Directors member Lee Wei Seang.



Story by Christopher Tan

Pix by Darwina Mohd Daud