THE Penang government has spent over RM200 million to date, to maintain public and private housing schemes.
State Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said the state, via the Penang Maximum 80% Housing Maintenance Fund (TPM80PP), has spent RM32 million to assist private housing schemes in maintaining their facilities since 2013.
“We have received 217 applications involving 370 projects since 2013. We will continue to assist those private housing schemes that cannot not afford to maintain their facilities, via the TPM80PP.
“The projects include lift upgrade, replacement of water tanks, roof repair and so on.
“The Penang government has also spent about RM175 million from a different fund to help maintain public housing schemes in Penang since 2008.
“We have 50 public housing schemes in Penang.
“If we add up the costs, we have spent over RM200 million to date to maintain public and private housing schemes in the state,” he told a press conference at the Pinang Emas low-cost flat today.

Jagdeep, together with Bayan Lepas assemblyman Azrul Mahathir Aziz and Batu Uban assemblyman A. Kumaresan visited Pinang Emas low-cost flat after the lift upgrading works completed in February this year.
The Joint Management Body (JMB) of the project had earlier applied to the state to repair two lifts, which was subsequently approved.
Jagdeep said that 80% of the RM69,916 repair cost was borne TPM80PP, while the remaining 20% was borne by Tanjong Bungah assemblyman Zairil Khir Johari’s allocation.
“We urge the residents to pay their maintenance fees in a timely manner,” he said.
Story by Christopher Tan
Pix by Law Suun Ting