Penang Hill: A leading eco-tourism destination with over 1.66mil visitors

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PENANG Hill recorded a remarkable 1,665,811 visitors and conducted over 25,000 funicular trips last year, marking a significant increase from the previous year.


Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who also serves as the Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) chairman, announced a 12.1% increase in visitors, up from 1,486,269 in 2022.


“This is a meaningful achievement for PHC as the nation returns to normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic,” Chow stated.

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Chow said this is a meaningful achievement for PHC as the nation returns to normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic.

He praised the tireless efforts and dedication of the PHC team in making Penang Hill a leading eco-tourism destination both nationally and globally.


Chow highlighted several initiatives by the Penang government and PHC that contributed to this success, including the introduction of numerous direct flights to Penang, the organisation of the Penang Hill Festival, the Penang Hill Heritage Forest Challenge, and the Trash Free Hill campaign.


“I hope this success serves as a catalyst for achieving even greater results in the future,” Chow remarked during his speech at the PHC annual dinner at the Eastin Hotel Penang in Bayan Lepas this evening.


He also extended his gratitude to PHC general manager Datuk Cheok Lay Leng, the Board of Directors, staff, and all relevant bodies for their crucial roles in ensuring Penang Hill remains a top tourism destination for both local and international visitors.


“Every one of you is the backbone of PHC. The corporation relies on committed and dedicated staff to reach new heights and achieve further success.


“I encourage all PHC employees to continue delivering excellent service and maintaining high work quality to preserve Penang Hill’s reputation as a premier tourist destination,” Chow concluded.


During the dinner, PHC staff members with perfect attendance for the year 2023 and those who have served for over 10 years were honoured with certificates in recognition of their contributions and efforts.


Also present were Penang State Secretary Datuk Rosli Isa, Kebun Bunga assemblyman Lee Boon Heng, Pulau Tikus assemblyman Joshua Woo Sze Zeng and Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng Soon Siang and Cheok.

Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi
Video by Darwina Mohd Daud