Penang launches MCMC-Microsoft AI TEACH programme with over 170 participants

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PENANG has emerged as one of the pioneering states in Malaysia to introduce the MCMC-Microsoft AI TEACH programme.


The programme features four key modules: Introduction to AI, Introduction to Generative AI, Leveraging AI to Enhance Employability, and Ethical AI Usage.


Approximately 170 participants took part in the two-day event, held at various venues across Penang, including Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Penang, and selected National Information Dissemination Centres (NADI) at Sungai Pinang (Balik Pulau), Jawi, Permatang Pasir, and Tanjong Bunga.


State Infrastructure, Transport and Digital Committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari expressed his satisfaction with Penang’s early adoption of the programme.


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Participants taking part in the MCMC-Microsoft AI TEACH programme.


“With global advancements in technology, digitalisation has shifted from being an option to becoming a necessity.


“Penang, with its strong reputation in manufacturing and engineering, is now poised to make significant strides in the digital economy.


“This programme sees close collaboration with local partners, including the Social Security Organisation (Perkeso), the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA), UiTM Penang, and our implementation partner, Biji-biji Initiative.


“These partnerships are vital to ensure the programme’s success and its goals are met,” Zairil said during the launch at UiTM Penang in Permatang Pauh today.


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Zairil delivering his speech.


On June 20, MCMC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft Malaysia, forming a strategic partnership to explore the benefits of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry.


Through this MoU, both parties will work together to leverage AI’s socio-economic benefits and prepare the future workforce with essential AI and digital skills.


Zairil also emphasised the importance of equipping Malaysians with digital competencies, such as AI, to ensure they remain competitive on the global stage.


Penang MCMC director Mohd Fitri Hashim shared further details on the MCMC-Microsoft AI TEACH programme and the role of NADI centres across the state.


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Mohd Fitri.


“Penang currently hosts 36 NADI centres, all aimed at improving the local community’s standard of living,” he said.


He elaborated on the services and amenities available at these centres, highlighting their integral role in community development.


Also in attendance were NCIA chief executive officer Mohamad Haris Kader Sultan, Penang Perkeso employment insurance system unit chief P. Linggeswaran, Kumpulan Mereka dan Biji-Biji chief executive officer Rashvin Pal Singh, and UiTM Penang deputy rector Assoc Prof Dr Kay Dora Abd Ghani.



Story by Christopher Tan

Pix by Siew Chia En