Penang Monthly instrumental in advocating change


ENGLISH author Edward Bulwer-Lytton once said that the pen is mightier than the sword as words can influence and inspire countless people.

As such Penang’s very own magazine, ‘The Penang Monthly’ has spoken volumes about Penang and played a pivotal role in disseminating  information.

Penang Institute executive director Datuk Ooi Kee Beng said the ‘Penang Monthly’ serves as a great platform in arguing thought-provoking ideas.

“Penang needed a renaissance in all possible aspects, such as culture, politics, economics, and how Penangites perceive themselves.

“They also needed to rediscover Penang, its rich and exciting past, the role it (Penang) must play in the present as well as its contribution to the  future of the region.

“Thus, the magazine is committed towards contributing a Penang renaissance,” Ooi said during his opening speech at Penang Monthly’s 10th anniversary celebration at the Penang Institute today.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who was the guest of honour at the event, praised Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong, who is the brain child of the magazine.

“I would like to commend the forward thinking Liew Chin Tong for envisioning the need for a publication that encapsulates the ‘Renaissance’ that Penang needed to go through.

“Apart from that, my appreciation also goes to the Penang Monthly’s team under the leadership of Datuk Ooi, for their tirelessly effort in bringing the magazine to where it is today.

“I also would like to applaud the art columnist Ooi Kok Churn for writing without fail since the founding of the magazine and covering stories about art in the local, regional and international arenas,” Chow said.

The Chief Minister also said that Penang is a trendsetter in many ways such as in the  publishing industry.

“After all, it was here in 1806 the first newspaper the ‘Government Gazette’ in all of the Southeast Asia was published.

“Through Penang Monthly, Penangites may be reminded of the beauty of our home and be kept informed of its social, political and economic developments,” Chow added.

Meanwhile Liew expressed his desire to see Penang Monthly reaching a wider audience, thus becoming a ‘National Monthly’.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter
Pix by Law Suun Ting