THE Penang Tourism and Creative Economy (Petace) has done a lot of hard work to boost the local tourism industry during the Covid-19 pandemic, Association of Tourism Attractions Penang (Atap) chairman Ch’ng Huck Theng said.
In an event to appreciate Petace, Ch’ng praised its Committee chairman Yeoh Soon Hin for his tenacious efforts and tremendous support rendered to the state’s tourism players.
“Many of the tourism players have been badly impacted by the pandemic. Some of them had even closed down due to heavy losses.
“It is a fact that all of us were badly hit by this unprecedented crisis.
“However, thanks to Yeoh and his Petace office, they had done a lot to help us,” Ch’ng said in his speech during the appreciation night at The Top Komtar last night.

Yeoh, who was the guest of honour, thanked Atap for organising the event.
He said the pandemic has taught humankind valuable lessons.
“We, in Petace, have learnt to mitigate the pandemic instead of doing marketing and promotional activities for the state’s tourism.
“This is something that inspires me to strive even harder for the people of Penang.
“I am also delighted to see many of Atap members taking extra initiative, working with state to position Penang as a responsible destination,” he added.
Story and pix by Edmund Lee