A PLOG Clean project which was held on Dec 2 was officiated by Teluk Bahang assemblyman Zolkefli Md Lazim at Taman Negara in Teluk Bahang. The environmental project was jointly organised by the village security and development committees (JKKK) and Lions Clubs of Region 1, District 308 B2, Malaysia.
Penang Island City Council lent their full support and commitment to clean up the beach from Taman Negara to the seaside village until the market area.
Ten Lions Clubs coordinated with the JKKK members and participated in the Plog Clean project. The programme attracted more than 100 participants, which was good for the body and mind, and also good for the environment.
The plogging activity started from 8.30am and ended by 10.30am. Ploggers took plastic bags with them and that made it easy for them to store the litter they collected along the route.
During the closing ceremony, Zolkefli said that plogging was all about doing something for the environment and health before it is too late.
“Plogging is a way to connect with nature while helping to restore it,” he noted.
He also conveyed his thanks to all the participants whoever helped during the plogging activity.
He also emphasised that nature should be treated in the right manner without polluting it.
Story & Pix by K. Thaarshenii