Pulau Tikus rep vows to preserve the legacy of Bangkok Lane mee goreng

PULAU Tikus assemblyman Chris Lee has assured that the operator of the famous Bangkok Lane mee goreng stall would get a new site to keep its legacy going.

According to Lee, the operator, Mahboob Md Zakarih was told to vacate his stall from a kopitiam where he has been running his bussines for many years.

“I believe everyone knows about Bangkok Lane mee goreng stall, not only locally but internationally as well.

“It has become a household name for Pulau Tikus, which has indeed put this constituency into the limelight.

“But it is sad to know that the stall owner is facing a predicament as he was told to stop operating his business there by the kopitiam owner.

“Since it is a dispute between two private parties, I could not interfere much. But, I would stand by Mr Mahboob and find him a suitable place to continue his business ; this is a legacy that must go on,” said Lee during a Facebook live session with Mahboob today.

Mahboob (left) with Lee during the FB live session

Lee added that the Bangkok Lane mee goreng stall is a place that gives everyone a nostalgic feel especially to Penangites and holds a special place in everyone’s heart.

“This mee goreng stall is close to my heart. Since childhood, I have been visiting this place to enjoy a delicious plate of mee goreng made from decades old recipe,” Lee said while recalling his yesteryear’s memories.

Mahboob, 66, who shared his plight via the Facebook live session, appealed to Lee to get him a prominent location to operate his business.

“I was shocked to know when the kopitiam owner asked us to leave the kopitiam all of sudden.

“This is a family-run business for 80 years, and I hope that YB Lee would find a strategic place for us to continue our business operation.

“My father started this business during the Japanese and British eras, and we have so many loyal customers who come from afar,” said Mahboob.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter

Pix courtesy of YB Chris Lee’s office