Respite for Penang Hill cabbies



A TOTAL of 36 taxi drivers in Penang Hill tourist spots are thankful to a state assemblyman after receiving packs of basic necessities from him today.

Its Penang Hill Taxi Drivers’ Association secretary Khoo Chuan Hin told Buletin Mutiara that the food items from Air Itam assemblyman Joseph Ng meant a lot to them during this period of uncertainty.

He expressed his gratitude to Ng for looking into the welfare of the taxi drivers in Penang Hill despite a hectic schedule.

Ng (right) with Hong (left) and Khoo posing for a photo.

“His noble act and kindness in this challenging period has provided us some respite.

“Thanks to YB Ng, this small contribution of necessities could at least help to support us.

“On top of this, the state had also given us a one-off RM500 aid early this month.

“We deeply appreciate what the state has done for us so far,” Khoo said when met at the Penang Hill taxi station.

The packs of basic necessities include rice, canned sardines, canned red beans and other essential items.

Ng hands over the basic necessities to one of the taxi drivers.

Ng said many of the taxi drivers are sole breadwinners for their respective families.

He said this contribution could at least helps to reduce their burden during this time.

“Nowadays, many industries are badly affected in view of the Covid-19 crisis,” he said.

Ng added that many of his constituents had also earlier received the basic necessities, adding that 35 of such packs were also given out to foreign workers in Air Itam yesterday.

Also present was Air Putih constituency coordinator Hong Kian Beng .

Story and pix by Edmund Lee