Special needs pupils enjoy luncheon with Chief Minister Chow

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IN a heartwarming and touching scene that unfolded at Lot 33, Prangin Mall today, Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow was embraced warmly by special needs pupils from SJKC Aik Hua during a luncheon.


The genuine gestures underscored the deep connection between Chow and the school community.

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The children hugging Chow affectionately

School principal Tey Kwee Chin, visibly moved, expressed profound gratitude to Chow and his wife, Tan Lean Kee, for their unwavering support and genuine concern for the school’s well-being.


“Previously, when the school was situated on Muntri Street and now relocated to Sungai Ara, the Chief Minister generously allocated funds to enhance our facilities.


“Even after the move, he and Madam Tan have remained vigilant in ensuring our needs are met through their dedicated officers. We are truly grateful to them for their thoughtfulness,” Tey remarked during her speech at the luncheon.


Chow’s dedication to improving the learning environment was further highlighted by his contribution towards installing air-conditioners in the classrooms, significantly enhancing the comfort and quality of education for the students.


Reflecting on the day’s events, Chow expressed his hope that the children thoroughly enjoyed their outing, which included visits to Penang Hill, The Habitat Penang Hill, and Kidland, enriching their educational experience beyond the classroom.

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Children enjoy being the presence of Chow and Madam Tan(left)

The luncheon was also attended by members of the SJKC Aik Hua Parents Teachers Association (PIBG), including chairman Ting Chin Wai, vice-chairman Tan Lay Ean, and numerous supportive parents, all united in their appreciation for Chow and his ongoing dedication to their children’s education and well-being.

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Chow surrounded by the special needs children

Story by Tanushalini Moroter

Pix and video by Alissala Thian