State to appoint Gurney Wharf project manager this month

THE Penang government will be appointing a project manager this month to help in overseeing the running of the newly-reclaimed Gurney Wharf.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said they should be able to appoint the manager in the next one or two weeks.

“We’re targeting the appointment of the project manager to assist the government to create the Gurney Wharf,” Chow told a press conference after officiating the UOW Malaysia KDU Assemble Final Year Exhibition 2020 at 1st Avenue in George Town today.

Chow taking a sharper view of an exhibit by one of the KDU students at the UOW Malaysia KDU Penang ‘Assemble Final Year Exhibition 2020’ at 1st Avenue.

“The reclamation of the side of Gurney Drive is 131 acres but only about 40 over acres will be used for the green area. The rest are for road reserves and other parts of the land to be given to Zenith Consortium for the project.

“It will be followed by the appointment of lead consultant who will take a few months to come out with the design to call for the tender for various contractors to start work maybe in July or August. So, the actual work of planting trees will probably start around July.”

Chow also revealed that the state government would announce the five finalists of the Penang South Islands Masterplan Design Competition next week.

“The five finalists will start their design work from January to April. So, in April, we will have a public exhibition of their works,” he added.

The competition initially attracted applications from 125 firms from 25 countries, out of which 27 of the world’s leading architects and town planners from about 10 countries were shortlisted for the second stage, called the ‘Expression of Interest’ stage.

Chow said one of the conditions for all the consortiums taking part was that they must be represented by a Malaysian architect or town planner.

The winner of the competition chosen by the Master Jury panel will be appointed by the state as the Lead Master Plan Designer, subject to terms and conditions.

Story by K.H. Ong
Pix by Alvie Cheng
Video by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi