Successful talks on mental health issues

THE recent talks on mental health by Dr Danny Cheah from Australia at Tech Dome Penang and Burmah Road Gospel Hall (BRGH) organised by Kiwanis Penang Central and D’Home Mental Health Association respectively were a success.

The first talk, themed ‘Resilience in Children and Families’, at Tech Dome Penang on Dec 21 while the second talk, themed ‘What is Mental Illness’, at BRGH on Dec 22 drew good attendances.

Dr Cheah giving his talk on mental health at Burmah Road Gospel hall.

Dr Cheah, a child and adolescent psychiatrist working as the Head of the Clinical Services at the Alfred Hospital Child and Youth Mental Health Service in Melbourne, spoke on the importance of early intervention on issues of mental health and learning of resilience.

It was a talk targeted primarily at parents, youths and teachers.

Dr Cheah (second from right) posing with (from left) his father John, Wong, Teh and See at the talk in Tech Dome Penang.

Among those present at the talk at Tech Dome Penang in Komtar were Kiwanis Penang Central charter president Datuk Seri Wong Siew Hai and his wife Datin Seri Teh Beng Swan, Kiwanis Penang Central secretary See Swee Sie and Dr Danny’s father, John Cheah.

The following day at BRGH in Jalan Burma, D’Home Mental Health Association president Datuk Leslie Lee was thankful that D’Home was allowed by BRGH full use of the hall and its supporting facilities and amenities.

Leslie (left) receiving the cheque for RM5,000 from Lee Kim Seong who represented Burmah Road Gospel Hall (BRGH) in 2018. With them is BRGH member Boo Soon Yew.


Joseph Lim Cheng Leong (left) presenting a RM5,000 donation on behalf of BRGH  to Leslie on Dec 22, 2019.

“To our happy Christmas surprise, BRGH has again graciously donated another RM5,000 to D’Home for the second year running.

“D’Home is indeed very fortunate and grateful to have compassionate financial contributors like BRGH in our endeavours to reach out to assist the mentally needy in our community,” Lee said.

Story by K.H. Ong

Pix courtesy of Kiwanis Penang Central and D’Home Mental Health Association