FOLLOWING concerns raised by the people, the Penang government has urged the National Security Council (NSC) to review the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for dine-ins at eateries under Phase...
Tag: dine-in
Welfare and community
Premature for dine-in as Covid-19 cases are skyrocketing, say several Penangites
WE are still not out of the woods. These were the exact words of a concerned Penangite who feels that the Federal Government’s move to allow dine-in for...
槟岛市长拿督尤端祥说,槟州政府为了让餐饮业者恢复堂食,所推出PG Care追踪系统,至今已经获得逾8400个商业单位注册,反应非常良好。 “槟州政府在推出这项追踪系统后,两三天内就获得了非常好的反应,而截至今早10时,共有16万8254个用户,30万2685次扫描登入(Check In),并收到113个询问电邮。”
THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) has urged all food premises that are permitted to operate dine-in services from May 15 onwards to obey the 14 conditions set by...